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The Nova Scotia Securities Commission regulates all securities and derivatives in Nova Scotia. Securities can include investments like bonds, stocks and mutual funds, while derivatives are more complex investments such as forward and future contracts.
The Commission is divided into four main branches:
Policy and Market Regulation
Investor Education
Corporate Finance
Here’s a brief rundown of what each branch dies.
Policy and Market Regulation oversees the development of all legislation, rules and policies around securities and derivatives in Nova Scotia. They also oversee the registration of all dealers, advisers and investment fund managers in the province, and the compliance of the firms that employ them to make sure they are complying with Nova Scotia securities laws.
Investor Education develops and delivers all investor education programs and campaigns for the Commission. One of the Commission’s mandates is to help investors make informed decision through education, warnings and alerts. Investor education handles all public education initiatives, online content for the Commission's website and social media, and develops industry partnerships with other organizations that deal with financial literacy.
Corporate finance oversees the regulation of reporting issuers in Nova Scotia. This includes public companies that list Nova Scotia as their principal regulator and CEDIFs. Private companies are also subject to regulation. Corporate finance monitors all on-going disclosure of information requirements for these issuers, including financial statements, press releases and material change reports.
Enforcement enforces the securities act in Nova Scotia. They investigate and prosecute any violation of Nova Scotia securities law. One thing to remember, they cannot criminally charge anyone. They are able to issue sanctions and penalties to anyone who has violated the securities act. All criminal proceeds must go through local police, RCMP or the public prosecution service.