Reporting Issuer List

Reporting Issuers

The Reporting Issuer List is compiled by Nova Scotia Securities Commission (NSSC) staff for the public to easily identify companies that are Reporting Issuers (RIs)under Nova Scotia securities laws.

WARNING: Given the breadth of the definition of a RI under Nova Scotia securities law, the NSSC does not represent that the list is a complete list of Nova Scotia RIs. The RI list is current as indicated by the date contained in the pdf file.

For example, the NSSC staff do not continuously review the corporate status of issuers so corporations that have been dissolved may still appear on the RI List.

Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the RI List. A Nova Scotia reporting issuer that does not appear on this list or that has been inappropriately noted in default should contact the Corporate Finanace Staff of the NSSC promptly.

The RI list is generally updated on a bi-weekly basis. Please refer to NSSC Policy 51-601 Reporting Issuers List.

The notation In Default indicates that the RI has failed to comply with a requirement of Nova Scotia securities law as of the date contained in the pdf file.

Reporting Issuers List (Last updated March 24, 2025)