NSSC Blog: Before You Invest

Investor alert database and caution list protect investors from potential losses

One of the Nova Scotia Securities Commission’s (NSSC) mandates is to protect investors. One of the ways we do that is by issuing investor alerts and cautions. This could be an alert that an individual, company, or website is illegally soliciting Nova Scotia investors without being registered, or that a Nova Scotia resident has lost money to a fraudulent investment.

March is Fraud Prevention Month

March is Fraud Prevention Month, and throughout the month the Nova Scotia Securities Commission will be delivering fraud prevention content and presentations. Here are some of the presentations and content we have planned in March to help Nova Scotians recognize and avoid investment fraud.

Events and Presentations:

Bitcoin ATM frauds on the rise

The Nova Scotia Securities Commission has issued several alerts, cautions, and warnings about crypto asset-related frauds in recent years. Canadians continue to lose millions of dollars to these types of fraud. Recently, fraudsters have also been using Bitcoin ATMs or Crypto ATMs to facilitate the theft of money and assets through fraud.

RRSP basics at tax time

It’s the beginning of February and many Canadians are turning their attention to their annual income tax return. When it comes to investing that also means many Canadians are thinking about their Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) contributions. This year the deadline to contribute to an RRSP is March 3, 2025.

The basics of OTC Markets

Recently, during an investor education presentation we were asked about over the counter (OTC) markets. Specifically, we were asked where the OTC markets are and how one goes about trading on them. If one person has this question, they others likely do as well, which is why we’re addressing it in today’s blog post.
