For Investors

The Nova Scotia Securities Commission regulates activities involving securities and derivatives that occur in Nova Scotia or that involve Nova Scotian residents.    

The Nova Scotia Securities Commission protects investors from activities that undermine investor confidence in the fairness and efficiency of Nova Scotia capital markets, while fostering capital development and  formation.

Become an informed investor by reading through this section to learn about each of the Commission branches and how we protect Nova Scotia investors.

  • Want to report a complaint, suspicious activity or an investment scam involving Nova Scotia residents or activities occuring in Nova Scotia? Contact Enforcement
  • Have a question about a Nova Scotia company or investment product? Contact Corporate Finance.
  • Haev a question or concern about a financial adviser in Nova Scotia? Contact Compliance.
  • Check to see if your adviser in registered in Nova Scotia. Use the Registration Database.

The Commission provides free unbiased information. We do not provide financial or legal advice.

Investor Resources

About the Commission

Hero Unit: 
For Investors Hero Unit

Our Blog


Before You Invest

March is Fraud Prevention Month

March is Fraud Prevention Month, and throughout the month the Nova Scotia Securities Commission will be delivering fraud prevention content and presentations. Here are some of the presentations and content we have planned in March to help Nova Scotians recognize and avoid investment fraud.

Events and Presentations: