March is Fraud Prevention Month

March is Fraud Prevention Month, and throughout the month the Nova Scotia Securities Commission will be delivering fraud prevention content and presentations. Here are some of the presentations and content we have planned in March to help Nova Scotians recognize and avoid investment fraud.

Events and Presentations:

Commission staff will be delivering several fraud prevention presentations during Fraud Prevention Month. Thank you to Canadian Association Retired Persons (CARP) Nova Scotia and Northwood for partnering with us to help us reach seniors throughout Nova Scotia.

Thursday, March 13, 3 p.m. – Canadian Association of Retired Persons NS fraud prevention webinar

The Nova Scotia Securities Commission will take part in a fraud prevention webinar hosted by CARP Nova Scotia on March 13 from 3-4 p.m. Also scheduled to speak on the webinar is Dianna Burns from the Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia. For information on how to attend the webinar please contact CARP NS.

The Nova Scotia Securities Commission has two presentations at the Halifax Central Library during Fraud Prevention Month.

Thursday, March 13, 7 p.m. – Protect yourself from investment fraud

In 2024, Canadian investment fraud losses were just over $310 million. If you were approached with an investment opportunity that was fraudulent, would you know how to recognize it? Most people who fall victim to investment fraud believed they could before they were defrauded. Join David Harrison from the Nova Scotia Securities Commission as he explains: how specific investment frauds work, and the red flags you can watch for to recognize, avoid and report fraud.

Wednesday, March 26, 7 p.m. – Crypto assets and securities regulation

It continues to be a very volatile time for anyone investing in cryptocurrency and crypto assets. Do you know how crypto assets and the trading of these assets are regulated in Canada? Join David Harrison from the Nova Scotia Securities Commission as he explains how crypto assets are regulated by securities regulators in Canada, what that means for crypto trading platforms and investors, and the risks around investing in this ever-evolving industry.

Monday, March 24, 2:00 p.m. - Fraud Bingo at Northwood

Nova Scotia Securities Commission staff will be playing Fraud Bingo with residents of Northwood in Halifax during Fraud Prevention Month. Fraud Bingo is an interactive Bingo game that teaches fraud prevention. It takes a regular bingo game and changes BINGO to FRAUD. All FRAUD numbers called include fraud prevention tips and information. For more information on Fraud Bingo, including how to book a game for your organization or group, please download our one-pager.

Before you invest blog:

Our Before You Invest blog will focus solely on investment fraud prevention throughout March. This will include posts on:

  • Using our investor alerts and investor cautions lists
  • Crypto fraud prevention: Questions to ask yourself
  • Top 3 investment frauds to watch out for in 2025
  • Investor alerts and cautions review Jan - Mar


Investor education videos and reels:

The Nova Scotia Securities Commission’s YouTube Channel has nearly two dozen videos that focus on investment fraud. This includes videos on Ponzi schemespump and dumps, the red flags of investment fraud, and impersonation scams.

In March we’ll be adding new videos to our offerings, including some short reels on our Facebook page and YouTube channel. These new videos and reels will focus on crypto trading platform registration, pig butchering, finfluencers, and crypto fraud prevention.

Don't forget about NovaCrypto:Throughout Fraud Prevention Month we will also be resharing content highlighting last year's NovaCrypto campaign. was created to bring awareness to the large and increasing losses Nova Scotians were suffering to unregistered crypto trading websites and platforms. Learn more about the project and how to spot the red flags of an unregistered crypto trading platfrom by visiting the website and by reading our blog post on the campaign.