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Welcome to Financial Literacy Month. Here’s what the Nova Scotia Securities Commission has planned to help educate investors throughout November.
Are You Saving or Investing?
The Commission will debut two new investor education videos in November on saving and investing. The first video will look at the difference between saving and investing. Many people don’t know there is a difference which can be harmful to their financial and investment planning. That video – “What is the difference between saving and investing?” will premiere on our YouTube channel today.
In the Commission’s second saving and investing video we’ll show you why “You Can’t ‘Save’ for Retirement. Picking up on the theme on the difference between saving and investing, this video will show investors how it is nearly impossible for the average person to simply save for retirement. Look for this video to premiere on our YouTube channel on November 15.
During Financial Literacy Month we’re bringing back our popular #TerminologyTuesday posts to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Follow our social feeds every Tuesday to learn more about a specific investment terms. We’ll provide the definition of each team and a link back to our website where you can learn more. Look for the first post today, Tuesday, November 1.
Along with our #TerminologyTuesday posts we’ll also be sharing our usual collection of investor education content through our social feeds You can always access our full slate of investor education videos anytime by visiting our YouTube Channel.
Before You Invest Blog
Stock investing continues to rise in popularity due to the simplification of investing through online and mobile apps. However, just because something is easier to do doesn’t mean it’s being done right. To help mobile stock investors the Before You Invest Blog will do an overview on Orders during Financial Literacy Month. This will include posts on Market Orders, Limit Orders and Stop Loss Orders. The series begins on Wednesday, November 2 and continue each Wednesday for three weeks.
Nova Scotia Securities Commission at the Central Library
The Commission is returning to the Halifax Central Library for two investor education presentations during financial literacy month. Here is a brief rundown of the two presentations we have scheduled for November.
Investing 101
November 2, 2022 – 7-8 p.m.
Central Library, Halifax
Do you know the difference between saving and investing? What about an RRSP and a TFSA? Do you know your stocks from your bonds? Your mutual funds from your exchange-traded funds?
Join David Harrison from the Nova Scotia Securities Commission as he explains how securities regulation works in Canada and the difference between basic investments.
Protect Yourself from Investment Fraud
November 9, 2022 – 7-8 p.m.
Central Library, Halifax
In 2021, the reported loss from investment fraud in Canada was $160 million. If you were approached with an investment opportunity that was fraudulent, would you know how to recognize it?
Join David Harrison from the Nova Scotia Securities Commission as he explains how specific investment frauds work, and the red flags you can watch for to recognize fraud and avoid it.
Student Connections Program
Our Student Connections program will continue to deliver presentations to students throughout Financial Literacy Month. On the calendar for November are in-person presentations to Halifax West High School, C.P. Allen High School, and Dalhousie University. If you’d like us to talk to your students in-person or virtually, please contact us.