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The beginning of October is the beginning of Investor Education Month and World Investor Week. Throughout October the Nova Scotia Securities Commission will be sharing investor education content on our website and social channels.
How well versed in investor knowledge do you think the average Canadian is? Do you think you have a high or low level of investor knowledge? During Investor Education Month you can find out. All month long on our Before You Invest Blog we’ll be sharing the Investor Knowledge Quiz. It’s a quick seven question quiz helps to give regulators an idea on if Canada’s investment knowledge is high, low, or somewhere in between. Watch for the first two questions of the quiz starting on our blog this Wednesday, and running everyone Wednesday throughout the month. You can also find the entire quiz right now on by watching our short Investor Knowledge Quiz Video.
Starting today is the beginning of World Investor Week. Throughout the week securities regulators from around the world will be sharing investor education content. The Nova Scotia Securities Commission will be taking part in World Investor Week by sharing information on investment risk on our social channels. Do you know what you risk tolerance is? How about your risk capacity? Do you know what the different types of investment are and how they can affect your investing? Follow us on Twitter to learn more about risk all week during World Investor Week.
Also during Investor Education Month we’ll be resharing our Back to Basics investors series on our social channels every Tuesday and Thursday. The Back to Basics series delivers the basics on several novice investing topics through blog posts and videos. Just a few of the topics we’ll be highlighting throughout the month include registration, mutual funds, bonds, equities, finding an adviser, and robo-advisers.
Finally, in October our Student Connections program begins to take flight with presentations scheduled at schools across the province. We’ll be visiting schools virtually and in-person to talk to students about informed investing, securities, investment fraud and more. If you’re interested in having someone from the Commission talk to your students, please contact us.