Submitted by nsscadmin on

There is no one answer to that question. Some investors meet with their adviser only once per year, while others may meet with their adviser more frequently. How often you meet with your adviser may change throughout your lifetime due to many factors including market volatility, or a major life change such as a having a child, purchasing a home, losing your job, or retirement.
There are no specific rules or regulations under securities law that state how often your adviser must meet with you. However, there are regulations that require advisers to update Know Your Client (KYC) information which would require an adviser to routinely contact their clients. Regulations and guidance around KYC updates can be found in National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations S. 13.2 and CSA Staff Notice 31-336.
Beyond the regulations and guidance regarding updating KYC information, how often you meet with your adviser is a personal choice and should be discussed and agreed upon when you begin the client/adviser relationship. That way your adviser knows your expectations and is able to meet them.
The Nova Scotia Securities Commission does not provide investment advice. We are not advising or recommending that investors meet with their adviser a specific amount of times. The post is simply to educate investors so they can be an informed investor when making investment decisions.