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Under securities laws, financial advisers must send their clients several statements during the year. But what are these requirements exactly? Today we’ll outline the minimum statement requirements for advisers and where they can be found in securities law.
The laws around financial statements are found under different sections in National Instrument 31-103.
First is section 14.14. This section outlines how often an adviser must send account statements to their clients. It states that an adviser must send their clients account statements on a quarterly basis (every three months) or if requested by the client, monthly. These statements outline any securities transactions processed on the client’s account during this time. This includes any purchase, sale or transfer of securities, dividends or interest payments received or reinvested, any fees or charges, any other account activity, and typically includes investments held in the account.
Section 14.17 outlines the requirements advisers and firms must meet regarding the annual report on charges and other compensation. The annual report on charges and other compensation must be delivered to all clients every 12 months. The report must disclose all the firm’s charges and other compensations the firm received in connection with the client’s investments.
Section 14.18 outlines the requirements advisers and firms must meet regarding investment performance reports. These reports must be delivered to a client annually and outline the performance of all investments during the previous year. This includes changes in market value.
For full details on all these statements and their requirements please review the above sections in National Instrument 31-103.