NSSC Blog: Before You Invest

Question of the Week: What are the prospectus exemptions? Part 1: Private issuer exemption

The Nova Scotia Securities Commission routinely tells investors if someone is offering securities as an investment to raise capital, they must provide them with a copy of a disclosure document called a prospectus, unless an exemption applies. But how can an investor know if a prospectus exemption applies without first knowing what these exemptions include?

Question of the Week: Does TFSA growth affect my contribution room?

This is another question that we have seen on investing message boards and Facebook pages lately. The question often goes like this: I have total contribution room on my TFSA of $75,500. Thanks to some sizable gains from some strong investments lately the value of my TFSA is now over $100,000. Have these gains taken me over my contribution room?

Question of the Week: What is dollar cost averaging?

Dollar cost averaging is an investment strategy where an investor divides the total amount to be invested over periodic purchases at specific times. This strategy is an attempt to reduce the risk and impact of volatility and avoids trying to time the market. The investor’s purchases take place at regular intervals no matter the asset’s price.

Question of the Week: What is an alternative trading system (ATS)?

The term alternative trading system (ATS) is used in Canada and the United States to refer to an automated trading system used to match orders from buyers and sellers of securities by using predetermined and established methods or rules. They are privately owned computer networks that match together buyers and sellers outside of regular exchanges.
