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March is Fraud Prevention Month so for the entire month we’ll be publishing special posts on investment fraud. Along with our usual Question of the week posts that come out every Wednesday, we’ll be upping the ante with Fraud Friday. Every Friday throughout March we’ll publish a post on investment fraud. We’ll be talking about various scams, of which Nova Scotians need to be mindful, includng affinity fraud, forex scams and binary options.
Our goal with these posts is to raise awareness of the types of fraud and scams that fraudsters are using to target investors.
Anyone can be a target of fraud. You don’t have to be rich or investing hundreds of thousands of dollars for fraudsters and scam artists to target you. In fact, one third of fraud victims are taken for less than $1,000. And, another 27 per cent of victims lose between $1,000 and $5,000. No matter how much is lost, it is very difficult to recover any amount of funds.
Check back with us throughout March to learn more about investment fraud and how you can protect yourself, your money, and your financial future.