Submitted by nsscadmin on

October 1st kicks off two special events on the investor education calendar. It is the start of IOSCO’s World Investor Week and the beginning of Investor Education Month.
Throughout World Investor Week and Investor Education Month keep an eye on our Twitter feed and our blog for investment information you can use on investment fees, mutual funds, bonds, derivatives and other common investments. We’ll also be adding a new section to our website where you can find all our brochures, information sheets and infographics from NSSC, CSA and NASAA. Included in this new section will be our new Understanding Investment Fees Guide, which we are releasing later this month.
October is also the launch of this year’s Student Connections campaign. We’ll be visiting and video conferencing with universities and colleges around Nova Scotia to give presentations on Informed Investing. If you are a student, teacher, professor or instructor in a Nova Scotia university, college, or high school, and are interested in having NSSC present to your class or group, please contact us.