Submitted by nsscadmin on

March is Fraud Prevention Month!
Can you spot the red flags of investment fraud? The Nova Scotia Securities Commission will be premiering a new fraud prevention video series on our YouTube Channel throughout March. Each video in the series will include a scenario that could potentially be investment fraud. In each scenario the red flags of investment will be examined to teach investors how to spot fraud and avoid it to protect themselves and their money. Watch for a new video every Friday throughout the month.
Throughout March the Commission’s social channels on Twitter and LinkedIn will be sharing fraud prevention information, tips, videos and facts. Learn about the red flags of fraud, some famous fraudsters like Ponzi and Madoff, a few “DON’Ts” to protect yourself, and how some of the most common types of investment fraud work.
The Commission will also be virtually visiting high schools and universities in the province to talk to students about securities regulation, investing, fraud and more. To learn more about this program watch this short video on our Student Connections Program.
Follow the hashtag FPM2021 to find our content and other fraud prevention content from securities regulators, law enforcement, fraud centres, financial institutions and more.