Submitted by nsscadmin on

March is Fraud Prevention Month and throughout the month the Nova Scotia Securities Commission will deliver blog posts and videos to educate investors on how to protect themselves from investment fraud.
The Commission’s Before You Invest Blog will be updated every Wednesday throughout the month and include posts on the red flags of investment fraud, checking registration, what to do if you’re a victim of investment fraud, and a guest post written by the Commission’s enforcement office on online fraud risks.
New fraud prevention month videos will be posted to the Commission’s YouTube Channel on Mondays. The three new videos are entitled The Top 3 Investor Threats for 2022, How to Protect Yourself from Investment Fraud, and Be Aware of Non-registered Crypto Trading Platforms.
The Commission will also be sharing fraud prevention tips and content during the month through its social channels on Twitter and LinkedIn. Follow us to keep up with our fraud prevention content and to learn how to protect yourself from investment fraud.
During Fraud Prevention Month , the Commission's Student Connections Program has several presentations lined up to speak to Nova Scotia high school and university students. Commission staff will virtually visiting students in the grade 12 Investment and Finance class at Charles P. Allen High School in Bedford to talk about basic investments and investment fraud. At the post-secondary level, Commission staff will be talking to students from the Dalhousie University Management Society, and attending the SHIFT: Navigating Your Career Journey seminar at Mount Saint Vincent University. If you are interested having Commission staff talk to your class or student organization, please contact us.