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It’s the start of October which is also the start of Investor Education Month and World Investor Week. Throughout October the Nova Scotia Securities Commission will be sharing investor education content and resources on our website and through our social media channels. Here's a rundown of the the investor education content and events we have planned for the month.
World Investor Week (WIW) runs from October 2-8. This year during WIW the Commission has chosen to highlight the topic of crypto assets and securities regulation. Throughout WIW we’ll be sharing investor education content related to crypto assets on our social media channels. If you’re not following us on social media, you can find links to all our channels here. Follow our channels and throughout WIW you’ll find content on registered crypto asset trading platforms, crypto staking, Binance’s exit from Canada, and basic info of investing in crypto assets and the risks involved.
Our Before You Invest Blog will be sharing new content on some timely topics during Investor Education Month. On October 4 we’ll publish a post on high interest saving account exchange-traded funds, also knowns as HISA ETFs. These types of ETFs have received a lot of buzz lately due to high interest rates. Learn the basics of HISA ETFs from our new blog post on October 4.
On October 11 our blog will kickoff a short new series on Gamification in investing. If you use an online investing platform you may have seen some gamification techniques whether you were aware of them or not. Our two-part series will look at some common gamification techniques and how investing platforms use them to try to influence your investing habits and behaviour.
The topic of gamification in investing will also be examined in our latest investor education video. This short video will debut on the Commission’s YouTube channel on October 4. Make sure you visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified whenever we publish a new video.
Also during Investor Education Month we’ll be resharing our Back to Basics investors series on our social media channels every Tuesday and Thursday. The Back to Basics series delivers the basics on several introductory investing topics through blog posts and videos. Just a few of the topics we’ll be highlighting throughout the month include registration, finding an adviser, “what is investing?”, robo-advisers and DIY investing.
Investor Education Month Presentations
In October the Commission will be visiting the Halifax Central Library to deliver a presentation on investment fraud and scams.
Wednesday, October 25, 7:00 p.m. - Recognize and protect yourself from investment fraud
If you were approached with an investment opportunity that was fraudulent, would you know how to recognize it? Most people who fall victim to investment fraud believed they could before they were defrauded. Join David Harrison from the Nova Scotia Securities Commission as he explains how specific investment frauds work, and the red flags you can watch for to recognize fraud and avoid it.
The Commission has two presentations at the Flourish Centre in Bridgewater in October. For information on attending please contact Flourish directly.
Monday, October 23, 3:00 p.m. - Recognizing investment fraud and scams
If you were approached with an investment opportunity that was fraudulent, would you know how to recognize it? Most people who fall victim to investment fraud believed they could before they were defrauded. Join David Harrison from the Nova Scotia Securities Commission as he explains how specific investment frauds work, and the red flags you can watch for to recognize fraud and avoid it.
Monday, October 30, 3:00 p.m. - Defend Yourself from Financial Elder Abuse
Did you know that financial elder abuse is the most prevalent form of elder abuse? As Nova Scotia’s population continues to get older, financial elder abuse is becoming more prevalent. Join David Harrison from the Nova Scotia Securities Commission to learn what financial elder abuse is, some of the vulnerabilities and warning signs and what to do if you think a loved one may be a victim.
The Commission also has several presentation schedule at high schools and universities in October. As part of our Student Connections programs we visit high schools, colleges, and universities both in-person and virtually across the province to talk about investing and securities regulations. If you would like the Commission to talk to your students, or you would like more information on these presentations, please contact us.