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March is Fraud Prevention Month. Throughout the month the Nova Scotia Securities Commission will be sharing content designed to help readers better recognize and avoid investment fraud.
According to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, Canadians reported losing $309 million to investment fraud in 2023. That includes just under $5 million reported from residents in Nova Scotia. The key word here is ‘reported’, as regulators and law enforcement know that investment fraud is vastly underreported, meaning the true number is likely much higher.
One of the best ways to protect yourself from fraud is to educate yourself. That way if someone approaches you with a fraudulent investment or scam you can recognize and avoid it. Here is a look at some of the content the Commission has planned for Fraud Prevention Month.
Before You Invest Blog
Our Before You Invest blog will be looking at some prominent types of investment fraud that have recently led to substantial losses for investors. This includes a closer look at impersonation scams, registered professional crypto trader scams, and a review of our latest alerts and cautions. We also have a post coming in the middle of the month that shines the spotlight on fraudulent crypto trading websites.
Investor Education Videos
For visual learners we’re also sharing information on impersonation scams and registered professional crypto trader scams on our YouTube Channel. Look for a new video to debut on our YouTube channel every second Thursday, starting on March 7th, throughout Fraud Prevention Month. We’ll also be resharing all our older investment fraud videos on our social media channels throughout the month.
Thanks to our partnership with the Halifax Central Library, the Commission will be hosting two investor education presentations at the library during Fraud Prevention Month.
March 7th - Recognizing and avoiding investment fraud
In 2023, the reported loss from investment fraud in Canada was just over $309 million. If you were approached with a fraudulent investment opportunity, would you know how to recognize it? Join David Harrison from the Nova Scotia Securities Commission as he explains how specific investment frauds work, and the red flags you can watch for to recognize fraud and avoid it.
March 28th - Investing 101
Do you know the difference between saving and investing? What about an RRSP and a TFSA? Do you know your stocks from your bonds? Your mutual funds from your exchange-traded funds? Join David Harrison from the Nova Scotia Securities Commission as he explains how securities regulation works in Canada and the difference between basic investments.
CARP Nova Scotia Fraud Prevention Webinar
The Nova Scotia Securities Commission will take part in a fraud prevention webinar from CARP Nova Scotia on March 12 from 3-4:30 p.m. Also scheduled to speak on the webinar are Sgt. Andrew Joyce from the RCMP, and Dianna Burns from the Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia. For information on how to attend the webinar please contact CARP NS.
Our secret investment fraud campaign
The Commission has one more piece of investor education content to share during Fraud Prevention Month, but we’re not ready to let the cat out of the bag just yet. You may have already seen what we have in store, but if not, be sure to keep a close eye on our website and social media channels later this month for the reveal of a special fraud prevention campaign.