NSSC Blog: Before You Invest

Question of the week: What is a scholarship plan dealer?

At the Nova Scotia Securities Commission, we regularly get questions about categories of registration. This includes questions surrounding what the categories are, and what they allow a person to offer and not offer. Instead of rolling out a lengthy post running down all of the categories of registration we’ve decided to split it up and highlight one each week for the next month. Today we’ll start with scholarship plan dealers.

Question of the week: What is SEDAR?

SEDAR stands for System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval. You can see why we needed an acronym. Found online at www.sedar.com, SEDAR is administered by the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) and operated by the Alberta Securities Commission (ASC). SEDAR is the electronic system used by public companies and investment funds to officially file documents. This fulfills three objectives:

Question of the week: What is the CSA?

We have mentioned the CSA in some of our older blog posts, but it dawned on us the other day that we’ve never explicitly detailed who and what the CSA is.

The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) is made up of the securities regulators in Canada’s 10 provinces and three territories. That includes the Nova Scotia Securities Commission. The CSA’s primary responsibility is to develop a harmonized approach to securities regulation across Canada.

Question of the week: Is this old stock certificate I found worth anything?

We get this question occasionally from people cleaning out an old desk or office, executors of estates and relatives cleaning out a deceased’s old safety deposit box. Companies may not issue stock certificates anymore, but there are still plenty gathering dust out there. So, if you find out in a drawer or amongst your parent’s old financial papers what can you do with it?
