Submitted by nsscadmin on

In a previous blog post we addressed the age limitations for opening certain registered accounts. As stated in that post, to open a tax-free savings account (TFSA) you must be the age of majority, which allows you to legally sign a contract. In Nova Scotia that is 19 years of age. Until your child turns 19 they cannot open a TFSA and you as their parent or guardian are not able to open one for them.
There may be other ways to invest and save for your child before they turn the age of majority. Many financial institutions will allow you to open a trust account for your child where you can invest in stocks, bonds or other securities on their behalf.
There are many kinds of trust accounts. If you are thinking of opening one for your child make sure you fully understand the requirements, how the account works and any tax implications that come with it. You may want to discuss these tax implications with a tax professional. You should also ensure you understand how the beneficiary relationship with the account works to make sure it fits your financial goals for the account.