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Our first regulatory review of 2024 looks at all regulatory releases and notices issued by the Nova Scotia Securities Commission and the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) since October 2023. In case you missed any of the releases or notices issued over that time here’s a quick rundown on what they meant for issuers and investors and links to the documents, where you can find the full details.
October 3, 2023 - Canadian securities regulators provide update on proposed amendments to continuous disclosure requirements
The CSA provided an update on proposed amendments to modernize the continuous disclosure requirements for noninvestment fund reporting issuers that were published for comment in May 2021.
October 4, 2023 - Canadian securities regulators seek new members for mining advisory committee
The CSA invited applications for new members to join the Mining Technical Advisory and Monitoring Committee (MTAMC or the Committee).
October 5, 2023 - Canadian securities regulators clarify interim approach to value-referenced crypto assets
The CSA provided further clarity and guidance on crypto asset trading platforms about its interim approach to the trading of value-referenced crypto assets (some of which are commonly referred to as “stablecoins”).
October 5, 2023 - Canadian securities regulators announce results of ninth annual review of representation of women on boards and in executive officer positions in Canada
Participating Canadian securities regulatory authorities published the results of the ninth annual review of disclosures relating to women on boards and in executive officer positions, as well as the underlying data that was used to prepare the report.
October 19, 2023 - Canadian securities regulators propose amendments to settlement cycles for securities
The CSA published for comment amendments that would help mutual funds that voluntarily shorten their trade settlement cycle from two trading days to one (T+1).
October 30, 2023 - Canadian roundtable on audit quality addresses current state and emerging risks
On October 26th, the Canadian Public Accountability Board (CPAB), the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) and the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) co-hosted the Canadian Audit Quality Roundtable in Toronto.
November 16, 2023 - CSA and CIRO publish summary of short selling consultation
The CSA and the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) published a summary of responses and comments to CSA/IIROC Staff Notice 23-329 Short Selling in Canada.
November 22, 2023 - Nova Scotia Securities Commission proposes amendments to capital raising limits under CEDIF investment fund exemption
The Nova Scotia Securities Commission proposed amendments to Nova Scotia Securities Commission Policy 45-601 Community Economic Development Investment Funds and a corresponding Blanket Order (No. 45-521) that will increase the amount of capital that certain Community Economic Development Investment Funds (CEDIFs) may raise, so long as they provide additional protections for investors in those funds.
November 30, 2023 - Canadian securities regulators propose binding regime for investment-related disputes
The CSA set out a proposed regulatory framework for an independent dispute resolution service whose decisions would be binding.
December 7, 2023 - CSA publishes summary of 2023 systemic risk survey
The CSA published a summary of the results from its second annual systemic risk survey. The results of this survey provide the CSA with important information on market participants’ concerns about the stability of the Canadian financial system.
December 12, 2023 - Joint Forum of Financial Market Regulators’ Continue to Enhance Collaborative Infrastructure
The Joint Forum of Financial Market Regulators held its annual meeting on November 20th, 2023, virtually, bringing together members of CSA, the Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators, the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities and representatives from the Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations, as well as the Mortgage Broker Regulators’ Council of Canada.
December 14, 2023 - CSA announces adoption of amendments to National Instrument 24-101 Institutional Trade Matching and Settlement
The CSA published final amendments to National Instrument 24-101 Institutional Trade Matching and Settlement and changes to its Companion Policy.
January 11, 2024 - CSA announces final amendments and changes to implement an access model for prospectuses of non-investment fund reporting issuers
The CSA published in final form amendments and changes to several national instruments and companion policies concerning the implementation of an access model for prospectuses of non-investment fund reporting issuers (the Access Model).
January 18, 2024 - Canadian securities regulators seek feedback on rules for public investment funds holding crypto assets
The CSA published for comment a set of proposed regulatory requirements for public investment funds that seek to invest in crypto assets.