Submitted by nsscadmin on

Did you know that that crypto asset trading platforms (CTPs) must be registered with securities regulators to legally offer crypto asset trading services to investors in Nova Scotia?
Investors may see advertisements for many different CTPS online, in print, on TV, even on the ice and boards of professional hockey arenas. However, just because a CTP is advertising to investors in Canada does not mean they can legally do business here. Investors should always check to see if a CTP is registered before investing to ensure the CTP has received exemptive relief to offer crypto asset trading to investors in Nova Scotia.
To make it easier for Nova Scotia investors to determine if a CTP is registered, the Commission has added a new page to its website. This page lists all CTPs registered in Nova Scotia and provides links to their exemptive relief documents which outlines their terms and conditions. This page will be continually update as more CTPs become registered.
Trading through unregistered CTPs can be dangerous and extremely risky for investors. The Commission has issued several investor alerts recently for CTPs that have stolen money from investors who were investing in crypto assets.
All investor alerts issued by the Commission can be found on our Investor Alert database. The Commission recommends investors stay away from any CTP and any other individual or company found in the Investor Alert database.