Investor Alerts are warnings that the Commission has conducted investigatory work and has reason to believe that the individuals’ or entities’ activities or schemes appear to violate Nova Scotia securities laws and may pose imminent risk of harm to Nova Scotian investors. Potential Investors should avoid these investment opportunities.
The Commission has issued Investor Alerts about the following individuals and entities:
24xForex and PACO World System LTD.
Canadian Office of Derivative Trading
Canuck Wealth/Canuck Method/Binary Online
1st Trade Options/First Trade Options
FPE Trading & Jean-Smaille Gemeil
International Commodities Group
Kaizen Group International Ltd./
Magellan Trading Group International
Magnum Options and Hampshire Capital Ventures Ltd.
Royal FX Trading Ltd. (
SBlock-Trade and SblockTrade.Tech
Stratus Financial Group International, and Reliantco
Vincenzo Pettinicchio/NPFB Europe SRL/Montreal Tickets/World of Tickets
Wesley Robinson and DRR900306 N.S. Limited
To receive Investor Alerts as they are issued, sign up for email or browser alerts through the Commission RSS feed