Submitted by nsscadmin on

Over the last few weeks we’ve published posts on mutual funds series. If you missed them you can review our posts on Mutual Funds Series A, B &C, D and F by following the links. One of our readers who already is invested in mutual funds wanted to know how to find out what series their current mutual fund investments fell under. The easiest ways to find this information out is to review the prospectus and/or fund facts document you should have been provided when you purchased your fund or talk to your adviser.
As you can see in the fund Facts interactive sample, mutual funds that offer more than one series, should have the series being offered in the fund’s name. In the example the fund is call XYZ Canadian Equity Fund – Series B, which means this is a series B fund.
If you are unable to find the series information from your fund facts document, you should contact your adviser to find out this information. As we noted last week, while there are common types of mutual funds series used, there is no standard that investment must follow for specific mutual fund classes. Be sure to check what letter designations your investment firms use and what they mean.