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It was another busy year for the Nova Scotia Securities Commission Investor Education office. We debuted several new blog posts and investor education videos, and several pieces of our evergreen content continued to be popular and useful for users of our website and YouTube Channel. Once again, this year we’re going to finish off the year by looking at the investor education content, both written and videos, that generated the most views in 2024.
Before You Invest Blog:
1. Question of the Week: What is the difference between a hedged and unhedged ETF?
Our website users were very interested in learning about the difference between hedged and unhedged ETFs in 2024. It was our most read blog post this year.
2. Question of the Week: Do I have to pay tax on US stocks I own in my TFSA?
This was our most popular post in 2023, but it’s dropped to No. 2 in 2024. Website visitors are still wondering about paying taxes on the US stocks held in a TFSA.
3. Why Did Binance Exit Canada?
Binance continued to make news in 2024 and that media interest translated into interest in our blog post on why Binance chose to leave the Canadian market.
4. Impersonation Scams Part 1 – The Rich and Famous
Our first post written in 2024 to make out most popular list is the first part in our short series on impersonation scams. Canadians lost considerable amounts of money to impersonation scams in 2024 and out post explains what hey are, how to spot them, and avoid them.
5. Question of the Week: What are Series F mutual funds?
For the second year in a row out blog post on Serie F mutual funds has cracked Top 5 in our list of most popular posts.
Here is the rest of the Top 10 most-viewed blog posts in 2024:
6. Question of the Week: How do capital gains taxes work?
8. Question of the Week: What are mutual fund series?
9. Fraudster Friday: Earl Jones
10. Question of the Week – What are Book Value & Market Value?
Nova Scotia Informed Investor YouTube Channel:
In 2024 our YouTube Channel grew to include 77 investor education videos. Some of the topics covered by videos produced in 2024 included: investment fraud, impersonation scams,, fake registered crypto traders, what to do before you invest, dividend reinvestment plans, finfluencers, and capital gains and losses. Here’s a rundown of the IE videos that generated the most views this year:
1. What is the difference between saving and investing
Our most popular video in 2024 by far was our video on the difference between saving and investing. Do you know the difference? Join the more than 15,000 of people that watched our video in 2024 to find out.
Our video on boiler rooms was produced and published five years ago but continued to find a growing audience in 2024 due to an increase in boiler room scams, especially online. Learn about boiler rooms and how to avoid them by watching our video.
Investor visiting our YouTube channel in 2024 were interested in learning about stocks splits. Could this be due to a few well-known companies engaging in stock splits recently?
4. Gamification in online investing platforms
Gamification techniques used by online investing platforms made the news a few times in 2024. That also generated interest in our video on the subject.
5. Suitability and investment advice
Do you know if the investment advice you’re receiving from your investment adviser is suitable for you and your financial situation? Several people wondered the same thing and learned about suitability by watching our short video
Here is the rest of the Top 10 most viewed IE videos in 2024:
6. Don’t get duped by Affinity fraud and Ponzi schemes
10. What is the Nova Scotia Securities Commission?
We hope you enjoyed and learned from the IE content we produced and shared throughout 2023 in print, online, and in-person. We have several new IE content ideas coming in 2023, but if there is something you’re looking for information on that we don’t have available or you would like in a different format, please let us know.