NSSC Blog: Before You Invest

2024 Most popular posts and videos

It was another busy year for the Nova Scotia Securities Commission Investor Education office. We debuted several new blog posts and investor education videos, and several pieces of our evergreen content continued to be popular and useful for users of our website and YouTube Channel. Once again, this year we’re going to finish off the year by looking at the investor education content, both written and videos, that generated the most views in 2024.

Before You Invest Blog:

Investments Check-up

The calendar will be flipping over to 2025 in a few weeks. The end of the year is often a good time to do a review of your investments to see where you are and to stay on track to reach your investment goals. If you’re planning an end of year investments review here are a few things you may want to consider looking at.

Why does time horizon matter?

We’re nearing the end of 2024 and this time of year many people like to review their finances and financial plan to make sure everything remains on track. It can be hard to do that without knowing your time horizon, which is when you’re going to need the money you’ve invested.

Choosing a financial adviser – Part 1 – Why might I need an adviser?

During financial literacy month we’re shining the spotlight on choosing a financial adviser with a short two-part blog series. The first part will look at reasons why someone may need an adviser to help them manage their investments and financial goals.

So, why might you need an investment adviser? Working with an adviser will allow you to go through a step-by-step process to determine your financial and investment goals and make a plan to get there. This can include:
