Understanding the Stock Market and its purpose – CBOE Canada Exchange
Submitted by nsscadmin on
Our blog series on the stock market concludes this week with a look at one of the newest Canadian exchanges, the CBOE Canada Exchange.
Submitted by nsscadmin on
Our blog series on the stock market concludes this week with a look at one of the newest Canadian exchanges, the CBOE Canada Exchange.
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Submitted by nsscadmin on
Our blog series on the stock market continues this week with a look at a different kind of exchange: the Montreal Exchange (MX). The MX is Canada’s oldest exchange, founded in 1874 when it was known as the Montreal Stock Exchange. It shorted its name in 1982 to the Montreal Exchange to better reflect the variety of financial instruments available to be traded in addition to stocks.
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Our latest regulatory review looks at all regulatory releases and notices issued by the Nova Scotia Securities Commission (the Commission) and the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) since May.
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Our blog series on the stock market continues this week with a look at the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE). The CSE was founded in 2001 when it was known as the Canadian Trading and Quotation System Inc. (CNQ). In 2008, the CNQ re-branded as the Canadian National Stock Exchange (CNSX), to reflect its stock exchange status. Following a brand consolidation in 2014, the exchange changed its name to its current name.
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The Nova Scotia Securities Commission investigates investment fraud that has a connection to Nova Scotia. Commission staff frequently receive fraud complaints, but not all fraud complaints reported to us fall under the Commission’s mandate.
This post is to assist you in knowing when to contact the Commission for a fraud complaint and where to take other fraud complaints that are not handled by the Commission.
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Our blog series on understanding the stock market and its purpose continues with a closer look at the TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV).
The TSXV was founded in 1999 following the restructuring of Canadian markets and the merger of the Vancouver Stock Exchange and the Alberta Stock Exchange. In 1999 the TSXV was known as the Canadian Venture Exchange. It was renamed in 2001 after it was purchased by the TMX Group.Submitted by nsscadmin on
The Nova Scotia Securities Commission is returning to the Halifax Central Library for more investor education presentations in the second half 2024. We have one presentation scheduled each month at the Central Library for the rest of the year, and two are scheduled in November during Financial Literacy Month.
Submitted by nsscadmin on
Our blog series on understanding the stock market and its purpose continues this week with a closer look at the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX). In part one of our series we looked at the general purpose of stock exchanges in Canada’s capital market. The rest of the series will highlight some of the stock exchanges that exist in Canada.
Submitted by nsscadmin on
As we mentioned in our previous post on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, Nova Scot