NSSC Blog: Before You Invest

What are the risks when trading on over-the-counter (OTC) markets?

Over-the counter markets (OTC markets are marketplaces, not exchanges, where traders can buy and sell securities that have been issued by small companies. These securities typically have little liquidity because they are not frequently traded. Transactions on OTC markets are conducted directly between the buyer and the seller.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

First observed by the United Nations in 2012, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) recognizes that nearly every country across the globe will see a substantial growth in the number of older persons in the next decade. With the population of older persons increasing, it unfortunately also leads to an increase in the amount of elder abuse.

Trusted Contact Person (TCP) – Did you assign one? Were you asked?

Do you have a trusted contact person (TCP)? At the end of last year new amendments to securities laws require advisers to ask their clients to name a TCP that the adviser can contact under certain circumstances. Advisers are required to ask for this information and get written consent to use it, but it is up to the investor to determine if they want to provide it.
