Alerts and Cautions Review: April – July
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Part of the Nova Scotia Securities Commission mandate is to protect Nova Scotia investors. One of the ways we do that is by issuing investor alerts and cautions.
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Part of the Nova Scotia Securities Commission mandate is to protect Nova Scotia investors. One of the ways we do that is by issuing investor alerts and cautions.
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There has been a lot of talk recently in the media and the political sphere about Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Investing, both positives and negatives. This blog post does not offer an opinion on ESG Investing.
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The Nova Scotia Securities Commission has several investor education presentations coming up this summer and into the fall.
Our partnership with the Halifax Central Library continues this summer with one presentation a month at the library until November when there will be two presentations during Financial Literacy Month.
Here is a look at the presentations scheduled at the library over the next five months:
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Special Guest Blog from Doug Harris, General Counsel, Director of Market Regulation and Policy, and Secretary to the Commission
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Earlier this month we published a blog post about trusted contact persons (TCPs). The same amendments to securities laws that allow advisers to ask for and collect TCP information also allow advisers to place a temporary hold on a transaction under certain circumstances. This was another enhancement made to better protect older and vulnerable investors.
An adviser can place a temporary hold if:
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Nova Scotia’s population is aging at a rapid pace. In the last census held in 2021, it was found that 22.2 percent of Nova Scotia’s population is 65 years of age or older. That percentage has only increased since then.
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First observed by the United Nations in 2012, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) recognizes that nearly every country across the globe is experiencing a substantial growth in the number of older persons. With the population of older persons increasing, it unfortunately leads to an increase in the amount of elder abuse.
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On July 25, 2023, SEDAR+ will replace the existing SEDAR and CSA cease trade order and disciplined persons platforms. SEDAR+ is an upgraded platform that allows Canadian public companies to file their disclosure documents with regulators. It will also integrate with the cease trade orders database.
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Has your investment adviser asked you to appoint a trusted contact person (TCP) on your account? Canadian securities regulators added the TCP as an enhancement to protect older and vulnerable investors. Adding a TCP is available to all investors no matter their age. Advisers are required to ask their clients to name a TCP, but it is up to the client if they wish to provide one or not.
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Tomorrow is the start of seniors month. Throughout June the Nova Scotia Securities Commission will be sharing investor education content relevant to seniors and delivering presentations to seniors groups. Here is a look at some of the content, and presentation we have scheduled: