NSSC Blog: Before You Invest

Question of the week: What is a management expense ratio (MER)?

Our last two blog posts have focused on investment fees, specifically embedded commissions and deferred sales charges (DSC). In both posts we mentioned management expense ratios (MER). Apparently when we mentioned them we should have gone into greater detail about them, as that’s what investors have asked for this week.

Question of the week: What are embedded commissions?

You may have heard the term embedded commission in the news recently. Following the release of CSA Notice 81-330, embedded commissions have been the talk of business and investing news programs and online, through news sites, social media and investment forums. The discussions and talks are helpful because it makes sure investors are informed about what is happening in the industry.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – June 15, 2018

First observed by the United Nations in 2012, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day recognizes that nearly every country across the globe will see a substantial growth in the number of older persons in the next decade. With the population of older persons increasing it unfortunately also leads to an increase in the amount of elder abuse.
