NSSC Blog: Before You Invest

What are high interest savings account exchange-traded funds (HISA ETFs)?

Rising interest rates in Canada over the last few years have caused an increase in investor interest in high-interest savings account exchange-traded funds (HISA ETFs). If you’re thinking about investing in HISA ETFs make sure you know how they’re structured and if they fit your investing goals.

Investor Education Month and World Investor Week Starts Now!

It’s the start of October which is also the start of Investor Education Month and World Investor Week. Throughout October the Nova Scotia Securities Commission will be sharing investor education content and resources on our website and through our social media channels. Here's a rundown of the the investor education content and events we have planned for the month.

RESP info you can use

It’s back to school time for students of all ages. If you have kids, no matter their age, you may be thinking about their future and the large tuition bill they could be facing if they venture into post-secondary education.

DIY Investing: Is it for you Part 2 – Advantages and disadvantages of DIY investing

Welcome to Part 2 of our blog series on DIY investing. We got started last week with a look at the basic definition of DIY investing. This week we’ll look at some of the basic advantages and disadvantages of DIY investing. We’ll start with some of the advantages.
