NSSC Blog: Before You Invest

Happy New Year and welcome to 2017!

As we start off a new year, the Before You Invest blog is getting a new start as well. We’ll still be doing periodic posts on new legislation, scams and investment news that Nova Scotians need to know about. We’ll also be getting back to the basics for those new to investing and securities with our new Question of the Week. Every Wednesday we’ll post a new question with the answer from our experts at NSSC. We’ve got the first few questions ready to roll out this month, but we also want to hear from you. What do you want to know more about?

Fraud Prevention

To help prevent fraud, we are encouraging the public to research investments when making any investing decisions. We recommend that investors follow these three easy steps:

Looking back to the future in 2015

For all those Back to the Future fans out there you may be surprised to know that in the second movie Marty McFly travels from 1985 to the year 2015.

This fun fact makes all fans stop and compared the fictional 2015 with the present one. Where are those cool hoverboards, self tying Nike’s or flying cars? Maybe in another 30 years.

Understanding mutual fund fees

Mutual fund fees can be complicated and we want investors to know that we're here to help.

I am here to tell you that there are no “dirty little secrets” when it comes to mutual fund fees. To avoid over paying fees, investors need to know the right questions to ask and that starts with understanding the fee structure.
